Sunday, March 6, 2011

Asher's Entrance

So I know it's been almost 5 months now but as I was talking to my MIL this morning I realized how much I wanted/needed to type out the details of Asher's birth so that our family can remember everything God has done. I was reading a segment from someone else's post referencing “Let the Nations Be Glad” by John Piper. It says, “when it looks as though He is buried for good, Jesus is doing something awesome in the dark. ‘The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how.’ The last 3 years of Oscar and my life has been interesting to say the least. We knew He was doing something in us that would be life changing. Peeling back another layer(s) of self to reveal more of His spirit. He has literally been turning the world as we've known it upside down. And then, for me, the last 6 months or so have been breath-taking. It has become so clear how he has/is guiding our steps literally a step at a time. Part of this journey has been Asher's birth. Here are some of the details: 

 Last summer my friend Carla had an idea for the children's ministry to take a couple of verses and see how many of the kids could memorize them. At the end of the summer there would be a party celebrating the efforts of the children. One of the verses was, 'For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go' Joshua 1:9. Tennyson and I worked on the verse all summer long and one of the amazing parts of this was that the Lord kept bringing that verse to my mind over and over again. I would hear someone speak and inevitably they would use that verse somewhere in their speaking. I would be reading other scripture and the path would lead me back to that verse or the other places in scripture that reference that verse. I would be listening to the radio and that verse would come up, etc. It came up so much that I started thinking 'oh no Lord, what is about to happen that i will need to be acquainted with this verse as well as I am'. Fast forward a couple of months and Oscar, who waits tables at Ruth's Chris, waits on one of the Dr's that is a part of the practice I was going to but hadn't seen yet. In fact I wasn't even aware he was a part of the group. Oscar came home telling me about how nice he and his wife were. Oscar wondered in jest to the Dr. if he would be the one to deliver Asher. Fast forward a couple of weeks. I notice Asher isn't moving like he had been moving. Asher was pretty intense in his movement especially when I ate something so it was odd that I hadn't felt him much. I also was having what I thought were braxton hicks but they started occurring a little more and a little longer than I was comfortable with. I also just had a feeling that something wasn't right. After a couple of days I called the nurse and explained the situation to her. She had me monitor how many kicks I was feeling, how often the contractions were etc. for about an hour or so. The nurse said she thought it may be a good idea to go up to the hospital so that the baby and I could be monitored for a little while just to make sure nothing was going on. It sounded like it was optional so I really debated whether I should go. I finally decided it was better to be safe than sorry so I went up to the hospital thinking I would be monitored for an hour or so and then sent home with some instructions. Within about half an hour it was clear the nurses didn't hold my same sentiment and that not only would I not be going home but I would most likely be having this baby that day as soon as possible. It was de ja vu all over again with how I had Tennyson except I was at 34 weeks instead of the 36 weeks I was with Tennyson. Oscar had a break in between shifts and he came up to the hospital. He was pretty shocked when he realized what was going on. I was moved to the labor and delivery floor for the dr. on call to come in and explain what he had decided was the best course of action. Dr. Estes walked in which is the Dr. Oscar had waited on a couple of weeks before. He recognized Oscar and remembered their conversation about having Tennyson early due to preeclampsia....Dr. Estes turned out to be THE.BEST.DR.EVER. He was so reassuring but confidently said we had to get Asher out of my womb as quickly as possible and that it had to be by cesarean because Asher wouldn't be able to handle the labor part of the delivery. Another half hour later and I was being wheeled into the delivery room. Everything was happening so fast...we had no camera, wasn't able to warn my in-laws (who we currently live with) that another member would be moving in with them 6 weeks early, hadn't even told my sister who was watching Tennyson for 'an hour or so'. As soon as I was in the delivery room I remembered the verse the Lord had very clearly given to me. 'The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go'. He was there. I believe he hand delivered Dr. Estes. I believe he hand delivered the nurse that was also a believer and was whispering in my ear through it all words of encouragement and comfort. Asher came out and was small and would need some attention but he was perfect. No oxygen needed. He was a 3.9 lb fighter. I have heard the phrase before that God works from the future and now I have seen it.  'Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.' Isaiah 65:24 Originally the pediatrician said that Asher would most likely stay in the special care nursery until his actual due date which would be over a month's stay; however Asher stayed in the special care nursery for 9 days and then was sent home. Dr. Estes said that one more day could have made a difference in life and death for Asher. I am beyond in awe of God. Tennyson and Asher are really His and I hope I always remember that. I'm so thankful for the time I have with them. There are soooooo many other details that have blown us away of God's love and faithfulness but this is turning into the longest post ever so for now, Auf wiedersehen!

Day of Asher's Birth (Thank Goodness for iPhones)

During Asher's Special Care Nursery Stay

Family of Four


  1. Beautifully written. Even more beautiful seeing God's hand of grace.

    Maybe when Eden begins taking German in school she will teach me what "Auf wiedersehen" means :)

  2. So awesome, Elizabeth! Side note, I love Dr. Estes!! When we were going through the beginning of all our infertility treatments and tests, that is who I saw. Funny enough, when I came back, pregnant with Jack and carrying Sawyer, I saw him again. He just laughed when he saw us walking down the hall and said, "Well, I guess God knows what He is doing, even when we doctors don't." : ) So glad God put him there at just the right time!

  3. To coin a phrase by King David, "Who am I, O Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?" We are blessed beyond measure. Love you my precious Elizabeth

